An isolated soldier holds his position and prisoner during the downfall of a Nuclear War. Short-film drama animation by David Zamorano, winner of GIMFA festivals for “Best Animated Mix and Sound Design”, Berlin Shorts Awards, Andromeda Film Festival and Flickfair Film Festival for “Best Animated Short”. Also with nominations and special mentions at TIFA, UK Seasonal Short Film Festival, Short of the Week, Chile Monos, 5th Berlin Revolution, Think Shorts, Scario International Short Film Festival, and Directors Notes.
A film by David Zamorano.
Voices: Tristan Rogers.
Foley & SFX: Wolfgang Beucher.
Music & Sound Design: Nico Parra from BlackVitamina, and Nicolás Tapia.
Mastering: Nacho Ramírez.
Un soldado aislado mantiene su posición y prisionero durante la caída de una Guerra Nuclear. Cortometraje animado por David Zamorano, ganador de festivales GIMFA como “Mejor mezcla y diseño sonoro de animación”, Berlin Shorts Awards, Andromeda Film Festival y Flickfair Film Festival como “Mejor corto animado”. Además con nominaciones y menciones especiales en TIFA, UK Seasonal Short Film Festival, Short of the Week, Chile Monos, 5th Berlin Revolution, Think Shorts, Scario International Short Film Festival, y Directors Notes.
Director, escritor, ilustrador y animador: David Zamorano.
Voz actor: Tristan Rogers.
Foley & SFX: Wolfgang Beucher
Música, producción y diseño sonoro: Nico Parra de BlackVitamina, y Nicolás Tapia.
Master: Nacho Ramírez de BlackVitamina.